Hot Money outs the whole game, the whole charade, the whole crap shoot of the money system with all the humor and intelligence of a New Yorker cartoon.

cast / Credits
general wesley clark
General Wesley Clark is a decorated retired four-star Army General, former Supreme Allied Commander for NATO, a Rhodes Scholar and International National Security and Energy Consultant.
Katharina Pistor
Katharina Pistor is a Professor of Comparative Law at Columbia Law School and Director of the
Law School’s Center on Global Legal Transformation. Author, The Code of Capital.
Wes Clark Jr.
Wes Clark Jr, is a wind energy project manager, army veteran and environmental activist.
Susan Wachter
Susan Wachter is a Professor of Real Estate and Professor of Finance at the Wharton School of the
University of Pennsylvania.
Servaas Storm
Servaas Storm, is a Professor of Economics at Delft University, Netherlands. He is on the Editorial
Board and a Contributor to the Institute for New Economic Thinking.
Featuring Academy Award-winning actor Jeff Bridges
and the animated art of New Yorker cartoonist Kaamran Hafeez.
Directed and Filmed by Susan Kucera
Produced by Jim Swift, Anna Kirsch, Susan Kucera, Wes Clark Jr.
Executive Producers - Jim Swift, Jeff Bridges and General (ret.) Wesley Clark
Music By Grammy-nominated and BMI Award winner Micheal Ruff and Eric Gilliom
Vison Films